SSH crash course
About this article
I would like to do two things in this article. First I would like to tell you about SSH. How to make it work. How to use public key cryptography to login to a remote computer. How to execute remote commands and copy files to/from a remote machine.
On the other hand, I would like this document to be a sort of reference guide document. For that reason, I provide a list of links to various places in the document, that show you how to do actual stuff without too much talking around.
You can read the document from beginning to the end or you can jump to a place that you need right away.
Here are the jump to links.
Jump to…
How to connect to remote host?
What is RSA/DSA host fingerprint?
How to handle changing RSA/DSA host fingerprint?
How to execute commands on remote computer?
How to copy files to/from remote computer?
How modern internet cryptography works
What are identity files?
How to generate identity files?
How to install identity files?
How to login to a computer without entering a password?
How to enable login as root via ssh?
How to enable X forwarding for single session?
How to enable X forwarding for all future sessions?
How to disable X forwarding?
Where to find more information?
Table of contents
Part 1. Basics
Connecting to remote host – simple case
RSA/DSA host fingerprint
What happens when host fingerprint changes
How to handle expected host fingerprint change
Executing command on a remote computer
Securely copying files to and from a remote computer
Copying multiple files
Part 2. Encryption
Login without entering password?
How modern cryptography works
What are keys
Public/private key
How actual encryption works
SSH identities
How to generate identity files
How to install identity file
Installing identity files manually
Part 3. Advanced SSH
X forwarding
Remote X Windows server configuration
How SSH fixes the situation
What if -Y doesn’t work
Allowing login as root
X forwarding
Other options
IntroductionBACK TO TOC
Some years ago, when I realized that telnet is out and SSH is in, I was mostly confused about SSH. I heart that it allows you to login to a remote machine without username and password. Yet when I heart people talking about all those cryptography keys I was definite not to get into it. It seemed too complicated for me. So I used it same way as I used telnet before it – with username and password.
What I really needed is a document that describes all those nifty things that you can do with SSH, in simple words. Without getting into too many technical details, yet explaining enough out of it, to turn SSH into useful and handy tool instead of a hostile thing that only gurus know how to operate.
Years passed and as I myself learned how to use SSH, including some of its more advanced features, I decided to write such a document.
Although all information I present in this document is available on the internet, I think I managed to assemble here things that you need the most.
Part 1. BasicsBACK TO TOC
I believe all Linux distributions today come with command line SSH client, called ssh. We should distinguish between two things here. First, there is a SSH the protocol. But also, there is a ssh the program that speaks SSH protocol. ssh is part of larger OpenSSH suite. OpenSSH is what most of the people have.
Connecting to remote host – simple caseBACK TO TOC
Simplest case is when you want to connect to a remote computer using same username as you used to login to your current account. For example, lets say you are logged in on a computer named A and your username is alex. You want to connect to computer B. This is what you type in:
$ ssh B
Instead of hostname (B), you can use an IP address of course. Unless configured otherwise, ssh will ask you to provide a password for the user – alex in our case. Once you type in correct password and hit enter, you will find yourself logged into computer B as user alex.
There might be additional step in between. ssh may ask you to confirm authenticity of the remote host. Usually it happens first time you connect. ssh will present you something called RSA/DSA host fingerprint and will ask you whether you like it or not – yes or no. For now answer yes, but make sure to read about this later in this section of the article.
Let me assume you will not always use same username when connecting from one host to another (not to mention that it is unlikely that you will use username alex). To tell ssh what username to use when connecting to a remote computer, use <username>@<hostname> notation. Like this:
$ ssh alex@B
or like this:
$ ssh john@
RSA/DSA host fingerprintBACK TO TOC
One of the most important features of SSH protocol is security. This means obviously encrypting the data that passes between your computer and a remote computer, but not only. Another thing that embedded into SSH is taking care that you are connecting to right computer. To explain this, I have to introduce a villain.
Villain is a guy who tries to break into our computer or perhaps sniff our traffic attempting to steal some valuable information. He can try to replace parts of information that fly between two connected computers to tempt us to expose some valuable information. He can even try to replace a remote computer to make it look like a real thing, while we are feeding it with valuable information. In two words, villain is a bad guy and we try to protect ourselves with SSH.
As I said, villain can try to replace remote computer. To make sure that it didn’t happen, we want to know for sure what computer we’re connecting to. For this reason, during its installation, OpenSSH suite creates a signature of the computer. This signature called RSA or DSA host fingerprint.
RSA and DSA are two methods of encrypting data. SSH supports both of them and any of them can be used. Differences between two are less important. On my Ubuntu system, RSA is the default, but I guess it can be different. Fow now, what is important is to see what method we’re using. I’ll tell you a little later what for.
When you’re connecting to a remote computer for the first time, its host fingerprint being saved on your machine. Actually, first ssh asks you if the signature it received from a remote computer is right. You can rely on ssh to do things right, but you can actually check and make sure that the fingerprint is right. If you have an access to a remote computer some other than via SSH, you can read its fingerprint and compare it to value ssh has given to you.
To read host fingerprint use following command:
$ ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ 2048 96:72:48:4f:69:70:45:b2:39:3d:55:75:78:52:ce:a7 /etc/ssh/ (RSA) $ ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ 1024 17:bd:cd:fb:09:82:9b:70:36:3f:b5:a4:4e:f4:84:d9 /etc/ssh/ (DSA)
First command returns RSA fingerprint. Second command returns DSA fingerprint. You can use these fingerprints to make sure that you’re connecting to a right computer.
What happens when host fingerprint changesBACK TO TOC
First lets try to understand why this may happen. First option is the villain case that we’ve already mentioned. In this case we should go to police, etc. But this is not the only case. Host fingerprint can change if, for instance, someone has reinstalled the operating system on the computer. Another option is when computer’s IP address has changed, but we still connect to the same IP address which is by now already taken by other computer. In any of these cases host fingerprint of the remote computer changes. Lets see what ssh will tell us when this happens.
$ ssh alex@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed. The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is 96:72:48:4f:69:70:45:b2:39:3d:55:75:78:52:ce:a7. Please contact your system administrator. Add correct host key in /home/alex/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. Offending key in /home/alex/.ssh/known_hosts:1 RSA host key for localhost has changed and you have requested strict checking. Host key verification failed.
It is big and slightly overwhelming, but at least you won’t miss it
How to handle expected host fingerprint changeBACK TO TOC
Often you do something to a remote computer that may cause its host fingerprint to change. For instance, you could have reinstalled operating system on a remote computer. In this case it is totally normal that ssh throws that big and scary error message on us. Yet it won’t let us to connect to a remote system and we want to fix this.
ssh saves host fingerprints on a local disk, in a file named /home/<username>/.ssh/known_hosts. What we want to do is to delete certain host from the file and by that cause ssh to confirm host fingerprint with us again, as if we were connecting for the first time.
To do this, we will use following command:
$ ssh-keygen -R /home/alex/.ssh/known_hosts updated. Original contents retained as /home/alex/.ssh/known_hosts.old
Obviously, change to either hostname or IP address or a hostname of remote computer you’re connecting to.
As you can see, the above command deletes localy saved remote host fingerprint from known_hosts file, but keeps a backup copy of the file (known_hosts.old) in case we need it. In case you want to restore known_hosts file, you can simply copy a backup file overwriting the original one.
Also, note that known_hosts file sits in your home directory. Meaning that if you log into different user account, ssh will start saving remote host fingerprints from scratch.
Executing command on a remote computerBACK TO TOC
It is as simple as connecting to a remote computer. All you have to do is to append a command you want to execute on a remote computer to ssh command that we’ve used to connect to the computer. For example:
$ ssh alex@ ls
This will run ls command on computer, in alex‘s home directory.
This way you can run almost any command on a remote computer. But keep in mind one thing. You may want to put command that you want to run on a remote computer in single quotes – shell does not expand commands in single quotes. Take a look at the following example:
$ ssh alex@ echo "Hello World" > file.txt
This command obviously writes something to a file named file.txt, but on what computer? In this particular case, shell will interpret > character and will write output of ssh command to a file named file.txt. But this is not we wanted. So to make sure that shell will not interfere us, we will put the command in single quotes. Like this:
$ ssh alex@ 'echo "Hello World" > file.txt'
In case you want to put a single quote in the actual command, this is how you can do it:
$ ssh alex@ 'echo '"'"'Hello World'"'"' > file.txt'
To make it easier for you to understand number of quotes let me split the command into several pieces to make it more readable.
'echo ' "'" 'Hello World' "'" ' > file.txt'
Note that to put single quotes into final command, I first close single quote I’ve opened, then put single quote in between double quotes.
Securely copying files to and from a remote computerBACK TO TOC
scp is part of OpenSSH suite. It is the command used to copy files from/to a remote computer. In terms of security it works same way as ssh. I.e. it is host fingerprint aware and will ask you to confirm a fingerprint once you access some host for the first time.
On the other hand it works same way as cp. With scp like with regular cp you copy a file from one place to another. Also, as with cp you can copy several files into one location.
The syntax is the same as with cp. First you specify what to copy, then you specify where to copy. The difference is however that you can specify a remote host using special notation that I will show you a little later.
scp uses following notation to specify remote files and directories: [username@]<hostname>:<directory|file>. I.e. first you type username followed by @, then you type hostname and finally you enter colon followed by file/directory name. As with ssh, username (@ included) part is optional and if omitted scp will use username you’ve logged in with. Let’s see few examples:
$ scp .
Here I am copying file named sample.wav located in home directory of user alex on host, to my current directory. But wait a second, wouldn’t it be easier to do it this way:
$ scp .
It appears that scp has absolutely no problem to understand ~ instead of user’s home directory, exactly like in shell does.
Copying multiple filesBACK TO TOC
$ scp* .
This will copy all files from directory /home/alex/works/project/ on to my current directory. Note that scp has no problem with wildcards. Note that as with cp, the wildcard is not recursive. I.e. it will copy all files from /home/alex/works/project/ directory, but will not copy its sub-directories.
Here’s another example.
$ scp ~/works/another_project/*
In this example, we copy all files from ~/works/another_project/ directory on our computer to Again, the operation is not recursive. But what if we want it to be recursive? Here comes the first difference between cp and scp. With cp you use -R command line switch. With scp you use -r command line switch. Like this:
$ scp -r ~/works/another_project/*
Talking about command line switches, here’s another scp command line switch that I use a lot. -C tells scp to compress the data before sending it. Depending on content of the files you’re transferring, this can make scp much faster. Here’s an example that demonstrates how to use it.
$ scp -C -r ~/works/last_project/*
Like I already mentioned, scp uses same security mechanism as ssh. All files transferred are encrypted and when using scp for the first time, like with ssh it will ask you to confirm a host fingerprint. Then it will ask for a password, exactly as ssh does.
Part 2. EncryptionBACK TO TOC
Login without entering password?BACK TO TOC
Oh yes. Actually its quite simple. To make this work, we will have to create and install so called identity file. You may also heart it being referred as public/private key or certificate. Don’t these terms to scare you. It is very simple. Keep reading.
How modern cryptography worksBACK TO TOC
What are keysBACK TO TOC
Computers use pair of keys to encrypt messages they sent between each other. Each key is a sequence of numbers. It can contain as many as thousands of numbers, or just a few of them.
These keys are tricky. Once you encrypt something with one key, you can only decrypt it with its pair key. I.e. if you encrypt a message with key A, you can only decrypt it with key B. There is no difference between the keys. I.e. if you encrypt with key A, you can decrypt with key B and if you encrypt with key B, you can decrypt with key A.
I won’t get into details of how keys get generated and how computers encrypt messages keys. There are several ways of doing this and it usually involve complex mathematical transformations. In case you’re still curious, remember those RSA and DSA things? These are algorythms that computer use to generate keys and encrypt messages using those keys. You can find more information about each one of them on wikipedia.
Public/private keyBACK TO TOC
Remember that we need two keys to encrypt/decrypt messages. In computers, usually one of them called private key and the other called public key. This is because computer sends public key to whoever asks for it, making it publicly available. Private key, on the other hand, kept in secret. But why computers send public keys away? Doesn’t it negate whole idea of secrecy?
How actual encryption worksBACK TO TOC
Remember a villain guy I mentioned? In addition to replacing a computer we’re connecting to, villain can do two additional things to steal information from us. First villain can try to decrypt messages we send to another computer. Second, villain may be unable to decrypt the messages, but he may try to intercept them and replace the data with his own. This can cause remote computer to expose valuable information.
Lets see how key cryptography prevents these two problems. Lets say we have two computers – computer A and computer B. Each one of them has a pair of keys – the public and the private key.
Secure session between them begins with key exchange. Each computer sends its public key to another computer. Then, to send private information from computer A to computer B, computer A does this:
- Encrypts the message with his own private key.
- Encrypts the result of step 1, with B’s public key.
2nd step makes sure that even if villain intercepts the message, he won’t be able to decrypt it because he doesn’t have B’s private key – message was encrypted with B’s public key, so to decrypt it we need B’s private key.
1st step makes sure that villain won’t be able to replace a message with his own. He can get B’s public key because, well, it is public, but it cannot encrypt the message with A’s private key because it is private to A. Computer B on the other hand has A’s public key, so it can decrypt messages encrypted with A’s private key.
This scheme is indeed amazing and it works for making the Internet secure. But lets get back to SSH.
SSH identitiesBACK TO TOC
In SSH, a pair of public/private keys called identity. Keys usually kept in two files. First file contains only the public key. Second file contains both public and private keys. In case you’re wondering why SSH developers have chosen to keep both private and public keys together, it is just more convenient this way. We send public key away so we better have it separate and ready for use. On the other hand, private key is a secret key. It is useless without public key. Then why not to put public key into private key file, to allow us to restore public key from private key file in future? And what if we want to copy private key? Handling one file is lot easier.
How to generate identity filesBACK TO TOC
OpenSSH suite comes with a program named ssh-keygen. It generates identity files. This is how you run it.
$ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/alex/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: 77:d1:f8:78:31:03:ec:d9:e8:55:58:9a:d7:b2:4d:ef The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | .. o.| | .+.oo| | .o+O.+| | ++oX.| | S ..o.+ o| | . ... . | | E| | | | | +-----------------+
As with known_hosts file, identity files kept in /home/<username>/.ssh directory. Names of the files are id_rsa and for private key and public key files respectively. These files include RSA identity. For DSA, file names are id_dsa and If you have slightly older version of OpenSSH suite, you may have files named identity and These are SSH protocol version 1 identity files.
Note that while we’re generating identity files, we are asked for a password. This allows us to protect the session to a remote computer with both identity file and a password. We’ll talk about this in a minute. Now, lets see how to use your identity files.
How to install identity fileBACK TO TOC
Before I explain how to do install identity files on remote computer, let me say few words about why to do it. Once you’ve identity file installed, ssh will no longer authenticate you with a password. Instead it will use your identity files. Now if you’ve supplied a password, when ssh-keygen asked you for it, ssh will still ask you for that password.
Using a password when generating identity files basically gives you an option to have stronger security then regular username/password pair. This way, you’re protecting yourself with both identity files (you’re the only guy who has them) and a password.
If you’ve specified blank password, it will let you in, without asking further questions. I.e. you can use identity files to login to a remote computer, without supplying a password and if you’re using same username then even without supplying a username. Just type in ssh <hostname> and you’re in.
Note that when you’re installing identity files, you’re basically giving your public key to a remote host. Yet you keep your private key file secret and don’t give it to anyone. This is exactly the same process I have mentioned in How actual encryption works section of this article.
Now to the actual installation. Modern versions of OpenSSH come with nifty script called ssh-copy-id. It will copy identity file (your public key) from home directory on your current computer (/home/<user>/.ssh/, to a remote computer. Let’s see it in action.
$ ssh-copy-id alex@
ssh-copy-id will ask you for a password as ssh would, but once you’ve entered the password, you will no longer have to do it again (unless your identity files protected with password). Note that ssh-copy-id has some requirements. When running it, you should already have identity files under your user account. Also, your identity files shouldn’t be installed on the host you’re connecting to, for user you’re connecting with. You can install your identity files under several different user accounts on remote computer.
There is something that may not be entierly clear to you just yet. I am talking about the correlation between identity files and user accounts on both local and remote computer. To understand it, we should learn how to install identity files manually.
Installing identity files manuallyBACK TO TOC
ssh-copy-id may not be installed on your system. Or it may produce an error message and we wouldn’t know where it came from. To address these issues we have to understand identity files installation process.
Actually its quiet simple. First of all you have to understand that identity files located in your user’s home directory. Meaning that even if you’ve installed alex‘s identity on some remote computer, you won’t be able to login to that computer when locally you’re logged in as john. This is because when ssh tries to authenticate you on a remote system, it looks for identity files (private key) in your home directory.
Second, ssh saves installed identity files (public keys) under /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Again this is a home directory of the user account you’re trying to log into and if you try logging into different account, ssh will ignore identity files you’ve installed originally.
Identity file installation involves one simple step – copying content (or file on local computer into authorized_keys file on remote computer. Content of identity files is usually single line of text. You should copy it as such. If you add a line break symbol in the middle, ssh will not recognize this identity. Moreover, it may break other identities, so be very careful when modifying authorized_keys file. Luckily, if you make a mistake, you can always fix it later.
Lets have a look at a session that demonstrates entire process of generating identity files and installing them on remote computer, manually. I am logged into computer named as alex and trying to log into, again, as alex.
$ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/alex/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: 03:e3:7f:03:fa:e9:c6:01:85:12:f7:a4:38:36:19:cd The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | ..... | | .+.o | | +.E o | | . * o . | | B S . | | . = * . | | . + * | | . o . | | | +-----------------+ $ cat ~/.ssh/ ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAqgfxOyV0SiQrF+7qq9lOjPvJsacWagHo3LDnv 5n/ZWnZzvTXHk/gZNL2VoUqnaEuf4P/9apepvIVlLrwoUt6x2goGnErvchhn2Tf/MoHNHQ0px 10EYxYfcFfyRs1w/8i/uM1ySnnTv+fbjdKSFMJeqYKhsTeY06p2f7i+QpJVOMQ68ccaY10wj0 fP4wS6AR/6jXfCWeiOtRWZiZ1amf+w1HPIYxN5iLhDpcEK07eC/0GhBnqOcWgi9okHDxEY0nP bKjsmnA7Lg4yBNCVbDIAx/zdMADTKtskH9gOrX+NJmLQSx4NEq802s6FP1YazaInhDQ9syQ2t +HihmQPwCKETw==
This is our public key, or identity. Lets copy the key to clipboard, connect to remote computer, in our case, and install the identity.
$ ssh alex@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 96:72:48:4f:69:70:45:b2:39:3d:55:75:78:52:ce:a7. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. alex@'s password: Linux #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 11:20:13 EDT 2008 x86_64 The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit: You have new mail. Last login: Mon Mar 9 10:16:50 2009 from
Note that this is the first time I am connecting to this computer, so I was asked to confirm host fingerprint and asked for a password. Well, the truth is that this is not the first time I am connecting to this computer. I just made things look like this is the first time
alex@localhost:~$ echo 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAqgfxOyV0SiQrF +7qq9lOjPvJsacWagHo3LDnv5n/ZWnZzvTXHk/gZNL2VoUqnaEuf4P/9apepvIVlLrwoUt6x2 goGnErvchhn2Tf/MoHNHQ0px10EYxYfcFfyRs1w/8i/uM1ySnnTv+fbjdKSFMJeqYKhsTeY06 p2f7i+QpJVOMQ68ccaY10wj0fP4wS6AR/6jXfCWeiOtRWZiZ1amf+w1HPIYxN5iLhDpcEK07e C/0GhBnqOcWgi9okHDxEY0nPbKjsmnA7Lg4yBNCVbDIAx/zdMADTKtskH9gOrX+NJmLQSx4NE q802s6FP1YazaInhDQ9syQ2t+HihmQPwCKETw==' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys alex@localhost:~$ exit
Now we have key installed and it is time to see it in action. Lets try connecting to the machine again.
$ ssh alex@ Linux #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 11:20:13 EDT 2008 x86_64 The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit: You have new mail. Last login: Mon Mar 9 10:16:50 2009 from alex@localhost:~$
Note that ssh didn’t ask us to provide password. It works!
Part 3. Advanced SSHBACK TO TOC
X forwardingBACK TO TOC
IntroductionBACK TO TOC
You may already know this or may not, but X Windows server (the one that you use to have graphical user interface in Linux) allows you to present a UI for a program on a remote computer. Actually, this is the reason why it is called X server. X Windows server is a server because it gives programs a way to present their user interfaces. X Server serves programs. Actual programs on the other hand are X Windows clients. They use X Windows server to present themselves on screen.
You may be wondering what it is useful for and I won’t blame you. The truth is that it may become exceptionally handy in certain situations. Imagine yourself connecting to a certain computer using telnet or SSH. As you know, both telnet and SSH allow you to run textual shell. Sometimes it suffices, sometimes it doesn’t. What if text only shell is not enough?
This is when the server function of the X Windows server becomes handy. If you have a X Windows server on a computer that you directly work with, you can tell programs on your remote computer to use X Windows server on your local computer and present themselves on your local computer. I.e. you type in xterm inside of your telnet or SSH session, while connected to a remote computer, and xterm window appears right in front of you, on your local computer, despite the actual program runs on a remote computer miles away. Every command you type in the xterm being executed on a remote computer, but you work with it as if it was running on your computer.
Remote X Windows server configurationBACK TO TOC
You don’t want to allow just any program to present itself on your computer. If access to your X Windows server was completely open, someone could try to catch a moment when you run firefox and run firefox of his own, on his own computer, but on your screen. This could make you think that you’re working with program that runs locally, while it actually runs on a remote computer. When something like this happens, every piece of information you type into your browser is available to the villain. Including your browsing history and even your passwords.
Obviously access to X Windows server has to be closed by default and it is. Formerly, two programs controlled who can use your X Windows server: xauth and xhost. There are however, two problems with these two. First of all using them is inconvenient. To present remote application on your local X Windows server you had to run two commands with quiet complex syntax every session. You could make the configuration persistent, but then you had to do it yourself. It was automatically done for you.
Another problem is lack of security. X Windows server uses protocol named XDMCP. It is insecure. As a result someone who has access to your traffic could watch you browsing the internet.
How SSH fixes the situationBACK TO TOC
If you run ssh with -Y command line switch, ssh will automatically configure X Windows forwarding to your local X Windows server. This means that when you run ssh with -Y switch, every command or program that has UI, will present itself on your X Windows server computer, rather than on remote computer. No need to run xhost and xauth. ssh does this for you.
What if -Y doesn’t workBACK TO TOC
Both SSH client and SSH server has an option to enable/disable -Y command line switch. Moreover, by default OpenSSH ships with -Y disabled, meaning that you won’t be Hable to use this command line switch out of the box. Luckily, most of Linux distributors enable this option in OpenSSH configuration files. However, there is a slight chance that your Linux distribution has strict security settings and keeps X forwarding disabled.
If this is the case, we will have to enable X forwarding. To see how, read next section of this article.
ConfigurationBACK TO TOC
In this section, I would like to cover few of the most useful OpenSSH configuration options.
Allowing login as rootBACK TO TOC
Perhaps one of the first things that I needed with SSH is to allow me to login as root. Before you allow this, bare in mind that this is a bad practice. Working as root is generally a bad idea even if you are developing drivers for Linux – something that very root access.
To allow root access, we have to tell SSH server to accept such connections. To do this, we have to modify SSH server’s configuration file and tell sshd (that’s the name of SSH server program) to reread it’s configuration. SSH server configuration file is /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Note that to modify the file you will need root access.
Option that controls root access called PermitRootLogin. To allow root login, simply append:
PermitRootLogin yes
to the end of the file.
Once done we have to tell sshd to reload configuration. Strictly speaking this is distribution dependant, but the command you have to run most likely looks like this:
/etc/init.d/sshd reload
/etc/init.d/ssh reload
First variance works on OpenSuSE. Second works on Ubuntu.
X forwardingBACK TO TOC
We’ve seen how to enable X Windows forwarding with -Y command line switch. But how about doing this automatically? This is doable. Another thing that you may want to do is to disable X forwarding. Again, this is doable.
To enable X forwarding automatically, you have to modify ssh‘ configuration file /etc/ssh/ssh_config and appending ForwardX11Trusted directive. Like this:
ForwardX11Trusted yes
No need to reload anything. Once you save the file, ssh will automatically imply -Y on every new connection.
On the other hand, to prohibit clients from using -Y, we should remove X11Forwarding directive from /etc/ssh/sshd_config. OpenSSH disables this option by default, but many Linux distributors enable it. So, if X forwarding works for you, this means that there’s “X11Forwarding yes” line somewhere in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Other optionsBACK TO TOC
There are very nice manual pages for both /etc/ssh/ssh_config and /etc/ssh/sshd_config files named ssh_config and sshd_config respectively. Both manual pages include documentation for all ssh and sshd options that are available.
ConclusionBACK TO TOC
I hope you’ve found this article useful. In case you have further questions, don’t hesitate to send them to me. My email is
[…] most useful out of SSH on Linux and gives a brief explanation of how things work under the hood. Read it here. addthis_pub = ‘alexander.sandler’; addthis_options = ‘favorites, digg, delicious, stumbleupon, […]
Nice article Alex, short and direct to the point!
But since it’s a basic/beginner tutorial you could explain how to get it working ( for example on ubuntu ), when I first met OpenSSH I thought it was such a great piece of software then I went to study its “internals”.
As I’ve read somewhere “If you connect to a remote computer in your daily work you have probably a lot to thank you to Theo de Raadt”.
And thanks for Theo de Raadt tip.
This is a nice idea for an article. I think I will make a research on the subject
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[…] SSH crash course […]
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